“Yandex Money” will introduce new rules for clients who didn't use service more than two years; it will take 270 rubles since the 25th of September.
At the end of August service “Yandex. Money” started sending notices in which the service reported that they want any quantity of money was spent from the wallet, then write-off can be postponed for a month, but if clients don't start using their wallet, service will take 270 rubles from each client‘s account monthly.
The introduction of new rules gives the chance to the subscriber to stop inactive client status for three months. Service “Yandex.Money” explained that such rules will help them to get rid of dead souls as it is difficult for any business, therefore many corporations try to reduce the number of inactive users by means of a monthly fee.
The service isn't responsible for wallets, but thus they warn the user that in 30 days a payment will be taken, in order to avoid it “Yandex. Money” suggests either to notify them, or to spend a quantity of money for the provided services, thus making a wallet active.
Workers of service assure that the wallet won't have a minus balance, after all funds write-off isn't a main goal. Clients are given enough time to make a useful purchase. Hope that some users will use it. After yesterday's mailing many clients make their wallets active.
Within two years “Yandex. Money” passed to the new offer, having become not the bank credit organization and having obtained the license. The client only can accept the contract. New system of information security of the account, such as SMS passwords appeared as well. The client can switch a wallet to stronger authorization.
Specialists of the company noted that it is very important for them to react to changes both technically and legally. They declare that if you don't use something for 2 years, you are likely to have forgotten it. Having considered the risks, they introduced a concept "inactive" user, and also subscriber payment. The number of the registered clients of service is 18 million. Nothing is said about the number of active users, and innovations will concern only a few percent of the total number of users.
In 2012 “Yandex. Money” tried to reanimate inactive users. Some subscribers received the notice:
You didn't appear on the site for a long time, perhaps you don't remember your password, then you can attach the number of your mobile to the account, it will give you the chance to create a new password. Then you can enjoy all opportunities of the service.
Money write-off of inactive subscribers isn't new. The similar resource, called “Money@mail. ru” takes from the subscriber 350 rubles for a year of annual inactivity. “Tinkoff Mobile Wallet” and QIWI charge 10 rubles every day in case of inactivity for 180 days.
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