Most people are becoming familiar with the idea of two-factor authentication. But whether everyone realizes why it’s so important?
Logins via the long-accepted username and password method have grown increasingly insecure. Unfortunately, many users make use of the same username and password or rotate through a small number of login combinations. This makes it easier for hackers who might have gained access to user data in the data breaches we seem to hear about almost daily.
A. What is Two-Factor Authentication?
1. Mobile Device Two-Factor Authentication.
2. Token Generator Two-Factor Authentication.
B. Services That Use Two-Factor Authentication
1. Facebook.
2. Twitter.
3. Google.
4. Apple.
5. Microsoft
C. What Else Do I Need to Know About Two-Factor Authentication?
1. Always Use Two-Factor Authentication on Your Email Accounts.
2. Protect Your Financial Accounts.
3. One Password to Rule Them All.
4. Never Mark Your Device or Computer as “Trusted”.
5. What Happens if I Lock Myself Out?
6. How Do I Find Out if a Website Supports Two-Factor Authentication?
D. Action Steps
Two-Factor Authentication is a great way to help ensure that your online accounts remain secure, keeping your personal and business information away from the bad guys. With just a few steps, any user can make it tougher for hackers to steal their accounts
1. Turn on Two-Factor Authentication When Possible.
2. Your Favorite Social Network, Cloud Provider or Financial Site Likely Offers 2FA.
3. Use a Password Manager That Supports Two-Factor Authentication.
4. Never Click the “Mark This Device as Trusted” Box on a Website.
5. Lock Yourself Out of a Website? You Can Fix That!
6. Check to See if Your Favorite Website or Service Supports 2FA.
7. Double Up on Your Protection.
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