Google was sentenced to disclose to the FBI users' data without a court warrant first. The decision on the case of Google, which tried to challenge the demands of the deadly Bureau, was issued by an American federal court.
The hearing was held behind the closed doors. Google officials tried to challenge the FBI's demands. The court considered 19 requests from the FBI which contradict the American constitution.
However, the court decided Google must execute 17 demands and demands for additional information on two more users. The court left for Google to challenge individual queries if the company finds formal infringements. The lawsuit does not end there: Google intends to appeal the decision, and the FBI threatened to proceed against the company for failure to cooperate with investigations.
It is to be recalled that relatives of at least two FBI execution style murdered Chechen refugees in America - namely that of Mr. Tsarnaev and Mr. Todashev - accused the FBI of premeditated murder of their beloved ones.
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