iOS users in Russia began to face attacks by hackers who steal passwords to block smartphones and tablets and extort money for their unlock.
To prevent this, you need to make your passwords long and complex, and not to impose them on suspicious sites, "Kaspersky Lab" recommends.The exact number of hacked phones is unknown.
The representatives of Apple declined to comment. The attackers use the fact that in the new version of iOS 7 has become possible to block stolen smartphone that cannot be removed with help of a reset or flashing devices. If you want to use this feature, you must know the user‘s name (Apple ID, also known as e-mail address) and password. With their help, you can go to iCloud (cloud storage service), change password and turn on the "lost" by using the "Find iPhone", locking the device.
Later the user of locked “smartphone” gets the message that he must translate 1000-2000 rubles to unlock the device, on a specific account in the electronic purse QIWI. Hackers can access your account and password using the so-called "phishing", which was previously used only for password requirements from personal computers.
In this case, the attackers on behalf of popular brands send email with a link to a fake website, where encouraged to enter a user‘s name and password. In addition, hackers can just hack poorly protected auxiliary mailbox to which the user receives a new password iCloud, if he forgets it. In order to avoid blocking the iPhone or iPad by scammers, "Kaspersky Lab” advises to install the iOS numeric password or PIN- code to lock the screen of your smartphone.
To Change PIN- code remotely is impossible. In addition, you should use different passwords and make them long and complex at different sites, and do not enter them on any suspicious sites. If smartphone or tablet is still blocked, do not pay blackmailers, Kaspersky writes. To reset the password, and create a new one, you can use a proprietary service of Apple iForgot or contact Support service of Apple, advised the company.
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