Social network Facebook from 1 January 2015 introduces a new policy for the use of data about users, allowing you to transfer them to third parties without the Express permission of the data owner.
This is stated in the notice of the social network, directed to the Russian users. According to the notification, the person shall be deemed to agree with the new policy, if after 1 January 2015 will continue to use the social network and its services. In the new edition of the policy tells you who Facebook will share the personal data of its users.
These are: service advertising and Analytics companies, Telecom operators and other service providers to Facebook. In addition, user data Facebook to share with his partners - owners of Internet sites and applications for mobile devices, as well as other companies whose products or services are becoming users of the social network.
Facebook also revealed the list of personal data that it collects. This list includes all the activity of people in social networks: published posts, correspondence with other users of the social network, the location data of the person, personal data when registering the user and persons who communicate with him. The social network collects and stores with the ability to transfer the above-mentioned third party payment history data of the user in the social network, information about the number of his Bank card and other information, data on accounts that were transferred payments and the delivery address of the goods.
At the end of last year, Ruslan Gattarov, who was then a Senator, said that the social network should lead policy use of personal data Russians in accordance with Russian law. This would require obtaining from each user expressly consent to the collection, use its data and transfer them to third parties. However, now declared a new policy of social networks such provisions does not contain.
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